Below is a list of items that I need from you before I can start on your project.
Much of this information will be asked and answered in this form.
Interior Design/Layout & Typesetting
- [ ] Your final edited and proofread manuscript (or all final pieces to be included, in a magazine) sent as a Microsoft Word doc (.docx)
- [ ] A jpg of your final cover (if it’s done)
- Helps me ensure a cohesive and tailored design direction throughout your publication
- [ ] The font files, or the names of the fonts, used on your cover (if known)
- I may use them within the interior
- [ ] Trim size (W x H)
- If you don’t know yet and want my opinion, let me know and I can recommend a trim size
- [ ] The name of the printer you’re using and any other pertinent information (such as the colors you’re printing with, if you’re printing offset/digital/POD, paper type, special effects, etc.)
- [ ] All graphics (images, charts, tables, graphs, etc.) that need to be in the interior (including publisher logo, author photo, etc.), placed in a single folder and labeled clearly and concisely so that I know what they are and where they need to go. Example:
- 01 - dog
- 02 - cat
- 03 - frog
- [ ] If you have a magazine, anthology, or another kind of publication that includes many pieces, they should be placed in a single folder and labelled clearly (01 - Title, 02 - Title, 03 - Title, etc.) so I know what they are and the order they go in
- [ ] A signed contract and 50% deposit (I will send you both when I send your Project Overview)
- [ ] Any front and back matter content (copyright page copy, for example)
- [ ] ISBN(s)
- [ ] Library of Congress information
- [ ] The font files, or the names of the fonts, used in the interior (if the interior is done / fonts are known)
- I may use them on the cover
- [ ] Trim size (W x H)
- If you don’t know yet and want my opinion, let me know and I can recommend a trim size
- [ ] Format (paperback, hardcover)
- [ ] The name of the printer you’re using and any other pertinent information (such as the colors you’re printing with, if you’re printing offset/digital/POD, paper type, special effects, etc.)
- [ ] A synopsis and/or manuscript (helps me get a better idea of the story and how to approach the cover)
- [ ] A signed contract and 50% deposit (I will send you both when I send your Project Overview)